To begin, run nmap -sC -sV -vv -oN nmap/init [IP_ADDR]
to identify any open ports or potentially vulnerable services. This scan returns six open ports. A web server is running on port 3333.
Running gobuster dir -u http://[IP_ADDR]:3333 -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt
reveals a couple of interesting page hits.
Of note here are the /internal and /images directories.
Following the instructions provided in the room, create a custom word list for the various .php extensions. Once this is completed, capture a upload request with Burp Suite and pass it into Intruder. In Intruder, mark the file extension as the payload insertion point and choose the custom word list that was created earlier.
For this to work properly, disable “Payload Encoding” at the bottom of the “Payloads”tab. Now, when this runs, the .phtml extension should return a different “Length” than the others, indicating success.
Now, we can use this reverse shell renamed to php-reverse-shell.phtml and with the IP address modified to the attacker IP address. After uploading this, run gobuser -dir -u http://[IP_ADDR]/internal/ -w /usr/share/wordlists/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt
to identify the uploads directory. The uploads directory is /internal/uploads.
Next, run nc -nvlp 1234
and click on or navigate directly to the shell uploaded. This should catch the connection. Once connected, stabilise the shell as below.
After this, background the shell with CTRL-Z
and then run stty -raw echo; fg
in the attacker terminal. This disables echo, kills the current terminal session and finalises stablilisation.
Running whoami
will show that the current session is being run as user www-data. Next, run cat /etc/passwd
to identify bill - the only non-system user.
The flag for bill can be obtained by running cat home/bill/user.txt
Privilege Escalation
To escalate, the room hints at the use of a SUID bit file. A tool such as LinEnum can be used, or a manual search can be performed with:
find / -perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null
Once this runs, a SUID bit is identified in /bin/systemctl. The exploit found here can be used to open a reverse shell as root. First, find a writable directory like /tmp. In the writable directory, create a file called root.service and insert the below code:
Next, open a listener on the attacking machine using nc -nvlp 1234
and start the service created by running:
/bin/systemctl enable /tmp/root.service
/bin/systemctl start root
Once these commands fire, a shell should be received as root.
The final flag can be grabbed using cat /root/root.txt.
More detailed info on commands etc. used here can be found in my GitBook notes below - happy hacking!