Virtual Home Lab Setup for Cybersecurity - Part 8: Configuring New Firewall Interfaces
Part 8: Configuring New Firewall Interfaces
To setup Splunk and then our new malware lab, we’ll need to setup two new interfaces on our firewall: DFIR & ISOLATED. We’ll set these up using the CLI then move onto building the labs.
To get setup using the VirtualBox CLI, we need to add its path to our environment. To do this, open file explorer and navigate to C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox
. This should take you to the VirtualBox install location, verify you have a file called VBoxManage.exe
in here. Now, search for “Environment” on your PC, and open “Edit the system environment variables”.
In the menu that opens up, select “Environment Variables”. In the “Environment Variables” window, click “Path” then “Edit”. In the “Edit” window, click “New” and paste in the path to your VirtualBox installation. Press “OK” on each window to confirm.
To verify this has worked, open PowerShell and run VBoxManage list vms
Creating the Interfaces
Make sure your pfSense VM is powered off. In your PowerShell window, run the following commands to create three new interfaces:
VBoxManage modifyvm “pfSense” --nic5 intnet
VBoxManage modifyvm “pfSense” --nictype5 virtio
VBoxManage modifyvm “pfSense” --intnet5 “LAN 3”
VBoxManage modifyvm “pfSense” --cableconnected5 on
VBoxManage modifyvm “pfSense” --nic6 intnet
VBoxManage modifyvm “pfSense” --nictype6 virtio
VBoxManage modifyvm “pfSense” --intnet6 “LAN 4”
VBoxManage modifyvm “pfSense” --cableconnected6 on
VBoxManage modifyvm “pfSense” --nic7 intnet
VBoxManage modifyvm “pfSense” --nictype7 virtio
VBoxManage modifyvm “pfSense” --intnet7 “LAN 5”
VBoxManage modifyvm “pfSense” --cableconnected7 on
Back in VirtualBox, you should now see seven total interfaces on the pfSense. If you want to modify this interface later, you’ll need to do so via command line.
Configuring OPT3
Power the pfSense firewall on. Once its on, we won’t see our new interface yet, we need to onboard it. Press “1” to begin assigning interfaces, type “n” to skip assigning VLANs, name the interfaces “vtnet0”, “vtnet1”, “vtnet2”, “vtnet3”, “vtnet4”, “vtnet5” and “vtnet6”. Once done, you should now see “OPT3”, “OPT4” and “OPT5” as interfaces.
To configure “OPT3”, press “2”, then pick option “5”. Configure the following:
Configure IPv4 Address OPT3 Interface via DHCP?: n
Enter the New OPT3 IPv4 Address:
Enter the new OPT3 IPv4 Subnet Bit Count: 24
Press Enter for none
Configure IPv6 Address OPT3 Interface via DHCP6: n
Press Enter for none
Do you want to enable the DHCP server on OPT3?: y
Enter start address:
Enter end address:
Do you want to revert to HTTP as the webConfigurator protocol?: n
Now, launch the Kali management VM and sign into the pfSense admin dashboard. From the dashboard, select “Interfaces” and “OPT3”. Change the description to “ISOLATED”, save and apply the changes. Now, select “Firewall”, then “Rules” and choose the “ISOLATED” interface. We only need one rule, configure the following:
Action: Block
Address Family: IPv4 + IPv6
Protocol: Any
Source: ISOLATED Subnets
Destination: Any
Description: Block access to everything.
Choose “Save” and then “Apply” to persist the rule. Reboot pfSense by selecting “Diagnostics” and “Reboot”.
Configuring OPT4
Back in the pfSense console press “2”, then pick option “6” to configure OPT4. Configure the following:
Configure IPv4 Address OPT3 Interface via DHCP?: n
Enter the New OPT3 IPv4 Address:
Enter the new OPT3 IPv4 Subnet Bit Count: 24
Press Enter for none
Configure IPv6 Address OPT3 Interface via DHCP6: n
Press Enter for none
Do you want to enable the DHCP server on OPT3?: y
Enter start address:
Enter end address:
Do you want to revert to HTTP as the webConfigurator protocol?: n
Now, back to the Kali management VM and the pfSense admin dashboard. From the dashboard, select “Interfaces” and “OPT4”. Change the description to “DFIR”, save and apply the changes. Now, select “Firewall”, then “Rules” and choose the “DFIR” interface. Configure the following rules:
Rule 1:
Action: Block
Address Family: IPv4 + IPv6
Protocol: Any
Source: DFIR Subnets
Destination: WAN Subnets
Description: Block access to services on WAN interface.
Rule 2:
Action: Block
Address Family: IPv4 + IPv6
Protocol: Any
Source: DFIR Subnets
Destination: WAN Subnets
Description: Block access to services on LAN interface.
Rule 3:
Action: Pass
Address Family: IPv4 + IPv6
Protocol: Any
Source: DFIR Subnets
Destination: Any
Description: Allow traffic to all other subnets and internet.
Choose “Save” and then “Apply” to persist the rules. Reboot pfSense by selecting “Diagnostics” and “Reboot”.
And we’re set! Next, we’ll install Ubuntu and configure Splunk to receive logs from our server.
Configuring OPT5
Back in the pfSense console press “2”, then pick option “7” to configure OPT5. Configure the following:
Configure IPv4 Address OPT5 Interface via DHCP?: n
Enter the New OPT5 IPv4 Address:
Enter the new OPT5 IPv4 Subnet Bit Count: 24
Press Enter for none
Configure IPv6 Address OPT5 Interface via DHCP6: n
Press Enter for none
Do you want to enable the DHCP server on OPT3?: y
Enter start address:
Enter end address:
Do you want to revert to HTTP as the webConfigurator protocol?: n
Now, back to the Kali management VM and the pfSense admin dashboard. From the dashboard, select “Interfaces” and “OPT5”. Change the description to “ATTACKER”, save and apply the changes. Now, select “Firewall”, then “Rules” and choose the “ATTACKER” interface. Configure the following rules:
Rule 1:
Action: Block
Address Family: IPv4 + IPv6
Protocol: Any
Source: ATTACKER Subnets
Destination: WAN Subnets
Description: Block access to services on WAN interface.
Rule 2:
Action: Block
Address Family: IPv4 + IPv6
Protocol: Any
Source: ATTACKER Subnets
Destination: ISOLATED Subnets
Description: Block access to services on ISOLATED interface.
Rule 3:
Action: Pass
Address Family: IPv4 + IPv6
Protocol: Any
Source: DFIR Subnets
Destination: Any
Description: Allow traffic to all other subnets and internet.